

Katie Jaynes Photography Blog





Welcome to the blog. Here you're going to find everything from heart-warming marriage stories, to beautiful images of our clients. We want to invite you into our lives.


July 31, 2018

Marriage Monday: More Than Photographers

We are photographers. It’s what we are. We love taking pictures and capturing special moments. But we also want to be more than that.

We work really hard before the wedding day to connect with our clients as much as possible. We want to know them well by the time they stand up in front of all their friends and family. Why do we want to learn about the bride and groom? Because we want to be as helpful and supportive as possible on the wedding day.

If you didn’t know, wedding days can be stressful. Even a perfectly planned wedding is going to have some hiccups. Brides can drive themselves crazy trying to make sure everything goes smoothly and there are no major blowups.

On the wedding day, when we first get to the venue, we do several things. First, we unload all of our gear (snacks included). This can take us a while. After we’ve finally loaded ourselves down like pack mules, we look around the venue for potential portrait spots, then find a spot to stash our gear. Then we go hunting for the bride, she’s usually in the bridal suite getting ready.

When we see the bride, Katie hugs her and always tells her the same thing before anything else, “if you need ANYTHING at all today, please let us know!”

Yes, we’ve been hired to keep our faces behind the camera, but we are married. We had a wedding day ourselves and we know how it can be. It seems like there are a millions of things that need to get done and never enough hands to do them. Sometimes you just need someone there to tell you it’s going to be okay.

We have done a variety of things at past weddings to help out our brides. 

  • We’ve brought a bride a plate of snacks while getting ready because she forgot to eat.

  • We’ve hunted down moms and dads when someone has a question, and even relieved a mom from setting up decor before the wedding so that she could go be with her baby girl.

  • We’ve blocked grooms from seeing the bride too early (more so Mitchel than Katie).

  • We’ve carried dresses (and shielded them behind a wall to hide it from the groom).

  • We’ve helped set up decorations (and helped cleaned them up).

  • We’ve entertained small children in the bridal party (and shared our snacks).

  • We’ve passed out sparklers for the grand exit and lined up wedding guests while instructing them not to burn the bride and groom.

This is only a handful of the dozens and dozens of things we’ve helped with through past weddings, and we are grateful that we have gotten to serve in all the ways listed, and more.

We aren’t telling you all of this to brag and we know you don’t care about the random things we do during the wedding day. We say all of this so our clients and future clients to know that we’re more than just the couple who stands behind the camera. We want to know you and love you as best as possible! We actually get excited to get to do these other things!

If we ever have the pleasure of working with you, we promise to hold your grandma’s hand as she walks down the stairs, pin the boutonniere on that groomsman who is struggling way too hard, and be there for you in any way you need!

To view Katie Jaynes Photography Weddings, click here.

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