

Katie Jaynes Photography Blog





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Family Portraits

November 7, 2017

Jennings Family | Katie Jaynes Photography

Imagine the first really cold South Carolina day of the year, with lots of wind. Yep. That’s the day that was scheduled for the Jennings family photo session as a Christmas gift to their parents. But they were great sports anyway! Even the 3 and 4 month old babies and the 3 year old did great – no crying or getting upset! I can’t promise that I would have reacted the same way. I was bundled in layers and complaining to Mitchel that I forgot my gloves in the car. Which is typical for this “forever hating on cold weather” girl. 🙂

I just loved getting to hang out with this sweet family and loved seeing them interact and laugh with each other! Here are some of my favorites from our time with them!

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