

Katie Jaynes Photography Blog





Welcome to the blog. Here you're going to find everything from heart-warming marriage stories, to beautiful images of our clients. We want to invite you into our lives.


March 29, 2018

Our photo-bucket list

We all have those places that we would one day love to visit, like Paris or Hawaii. Or places that we love so much that we visit there time and time again, like Charleston or maybe even a spot near your hometown.

We have a few places like this on our photo-bucket list. Places we want to do a session or wedding. Or places that we have photographed or been to already that we love and want to photograph again. Here is our bucket list for this Summer/Fall:

  1. Charleston – doing 2 engagement sessions here in April!
  2. Anywhere with Mountains – if there is a waterfall too, that’s a plus!
  3. Beach or Lake session – if you’re willing to get wet at the end, that would be the coolest!
  4. Inside a college football stadium – bonus points if it’s USC (Katie) or Clemson (Mitchel)
  5. Inside your home – this is probably your most favorite place, right? We LOVE in-home sessions!

If you would love to have a session done at any of these places (or anywhere else fun), let us know!!! We would be thrilled to do it! Head over and fill out our contact form to let us know what you’re thinking! 

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