Wedding Photographers | Behind the Scenes 2019
We can’t believe 2019 is coming to a close! It was a busy, wonderful, and FAST year for us. We had 13 weddings, and 80+ sessions (engagements, families, bridals, newborns, brand sessions, and corporate events).
The year was busier than we could have ever imaged and gah are we thankful! It was my first full year of being a full-time photographer, and it was everything I hoped it would be. This was all thanks to our wonderful clients. All of our brides & grooms, every one of our loving families, and those precious babies.
Every year, we take some time to reflect on the business year – while doing this, we always come across some great pictures that don’t make it on the blog (usually with good reason). Ones that show us behind the scenes, acting silly or just doing our job!
Because we like being transparent (and everyone could use a good laugh), we decided to give you all a peek behind the curtain at all those pictures most people don’t see.
Photographer, boutonnière pinner, etc.
Momma has always called me a bull in a china shop, and when I shoot details, I can guarantee that I will show you Momma was right. lol
Casually walking through freezing cold water in February to help the bride and groom!
Fluffing dresses, even steps away from taking a swim
I’m always very concerned about the bride’s dress getting dirty!!
Sometimes Mitchel has to put himself in time-out.
My face when I see the cake!
When my camera gets heavy, sometimes I put it on my shoulder like a shelf.
This man will do anything for the dress. ANYTHING.
Even in the shadow of the valley of death (and July temps), I was smiling!
Hopefully he was taking pictures of the bride and groom (not animals). Peep the Biltmore behind him!
Me, probably saying something cheesy to get the bridal party to look at me!
I was more focused on the dress than the Biltmore!
Probably talking about cake.
Mitchel will always give the groom a pep talk before the first look.
No caption needed. Just look at it. Ah!
I’ll contort my body in any position needed for the perfect shot!
Short people probs.
“So, what flavor wedding cake is it?”
Mitchel is an expert dress fluffer.
Trying not to get in the videographers way, while crying at the daddy daughter first look. Gets me every time.
I’m very particular about ring pictures (which annoys Mitchel)
I talk with my hands. A LOT.
Fluffing the veil for the millionth time because, gah, it was gorgeous!
Who knew a parking garage made for the PERFECT sunset portraits?
He was so worried he was going to trip walking backwards. Way to steal the bride’s spotlight, M.
Did you know that tulle also acts as a bug/grass catcher?! lol.
I really should count the number of times I fluff a train on a wedding day! Getting those squats in!
I can only assume he was making some stupid joke.
I was trying not to dance during bridal party introductions!
I’m so glad he’s tall enough for a good veil fluff!
Again, the talking with the hands!
As we go into 2020, we so excited to have a whole new year of more couples! We never stop being amazing at all the beautiful weddings and we are always grateful for the privilege of being a part of these magical days.
We’ve said it before, but we can’t say it enough – THANK YOU to all of our KJPCouples, past, present, and future. Thank you for allowing us to do what we love every day.
We know how special your wedding day is, and it’s an honor we can help make it as amazing as possible. We like to think of ourselves as more than just your wedding photographers, we like to think of ourselves as friends.