

Katie Jaynes Photography Blog





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September 17, 2019

Greenville SC Wedding | Mr. & Mrs Warren

Elegant, Greenville, SC Church Wedding

Courtney and HT were married in Greenville, SC at her home church, Tremont Church of God. It was a hot one, but a sunny and beautiful day overall!

HT & Courtney are the sweetest couple! I absolutely LOVED getting to know them at their engagement session in June. Their love for each other is so evident. HT is so proud that Courtney is his girl and will tell anyone who asks (and also those who don’t! Haha). I love the way he lights up when he talks about her and the way she smiles from ear to ear when he looks at her.

I loved hearing their proposal story at their engagement session. HT had an elaborate plan that involved getting Courtney out to the barn where she rides her horse. He had her mom convince her that she needed to get out to the barn because something was urgent with her horse.

When she got there and turned the corner to go into the barn, HT was there with flowers and beautifully strung string lights on one knee. How adorable!

On the wedding day, both HT and Courtney were full of emotion and so adorable anticipating the wait to see each other! They were full of nerves, but I think HT was hands down the most anxious! He was so excited to just be married and to finally see his girl! Courtney was calm and happy (which I have a feeling is her demeanor most of the time), and looked absolutely stunning! Her dress was romantic and elegant.

SC Wedding Photographers

The day went incredibly smooth and stress-free! When we arrived, Courtney was getting her hair and makeup was done by Summer of Cotton Rouge. It was gorgeous! Courtney and her mom and bridesmaids were so calm and looked beautiful!

HT and his guys arrived shortly after we did and they were all excited to watch some football before getting ready. As a fellow Carolina fan, I was glad that they had not one, but two TVs with the game on. Of course, Mitchel, who is a lover of any football game, gave me updates!

Courtney’s dad performed their ceremony, which was so special! I don’t know how he made it through without tearing up! Luckily he got his tears out before the ceremony, in their daddy/daughter first look! HT also did a first look with his mom, which was his welcomed, last-minute suggestion. I just loved that he thought to take time for his mom like that.

I cried a little when the sweet couple did their “first touch” together. Even though they didn’t see each other, they held hands around a corner and got to talk, which I know was helpful for their nerves.

Courtney and HT, we are so thankful to have gotten to be your wedding photographers! You guys are such a special couple and we are excited to see how the Lord uses you two and your marriage to glorify Him! We hope you guys are having the best time on your honeymoon and enjoying each other in St. Petersburg!

Greenville, SC Wedding | Church Wedding


Thank you for making Mr. & Mrs. Warren’s day perfect:

Allure Bridals / The Castle 

Cakes By Becca

Hair and Makeup | Cotton Rouge, Summer Styles

Flowers | Kim Allen (Brides mother)

Tremont Church Of God

Kim Allen and Tammy Philips

Denise Osteen


Mens Warehouse

Photographer | Katie Jaynes Photography

Second Shooter | Mitchel Jaynes

  1. Clara Tomlinson says:

    Beautiful pictures you all did a wonderful job. They have many memories in these great photos.

  2. […] can still happen, regardless! Courtney was such a sweet and relaxed bride! Luckily on their wedding day, it was a sunny and beautiful day and we were able to take lots of photos […]

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