

Katie Jaynes Photography Blog





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Business, Personal

December 12, 2019

We met Katelyn James! | KJ Business Journey Live Event

How the KJ Business Journey Has Made Us Better Photographers & Strengthened our Marriage

Wow, wow, wow! I have so much to say and simultaneously no words for last week’s live event with Katelyn James! We got to sit under teaching and meet & hug Katelyn and Michael. In the photography world these two are well known and well loved, internationally.

I first heard of Katelyn in 2013, while I was in college and gaining more interest in photography. That was the year we shot our first wedding. I gobbled up all the free education and training I could from her blog that year!

Since January of 2019, I have been in the Katelyn James Business Journey course. For 12 months, we have studied topics like marketing, personal branding, social media, finance, technical brand, networking, pricing, and so much more!

I have grown so much this year technically but also as a business owner because of this course! And to think I was hesitant last November when I was thinking about purchasing this! What a game changer it has been to have consistent education each month, but also access to Katelyn and her wealth of knowledge.

The event included lots of encouragement from Katelyn and Michael about all that we have learned the last 11 months and practical ways to apply those things. But, even more than the education and encouragement they have already provided, this power couple had to offer something even more life-changing and beneficial to us students, because that’s just who they are.

Katelyn and Michael have had a marriage coach the past 4 years. Throughout all of the education with Katelyn, I have heard her mention Julia, their coach, time and time again. So much of the work Katelyn and Michael do with Julia applies sooo much to business.

So after hearing so much the past few months about what Katelyn has learned about herself, her marriage, and herself as a business owner, Katelyn flew Julia out to the live event in Richmond from California! Just so we could all see a live, real, and raw coaching call example with Julia, Katelyn, and Michael in person!

This was a super raw and real time for everyone. I am so grateful for Katelyn and Michael’s vulnerability and willingness to share their lives with us!

So why am I blogging about this event?

To tell you why all of this matters for YOU! I’m sure you may have never heard of Katelyn and Michael, and maybe don’t even care (totally fine!). But the reason this years-worth of content and getting to meet them in person means so much is that it has make both of us better photographers and business owners!

I listened to 36+ hours of video teachings, participated in several facebook lives, filled out monthly questionnaires, and listened to podcasts of Katelyn answering questions from students… but what’s been most impactful is sharing and discussing all that info with Mitchel, which has led to many hours of conversations about our business and also our marriage.

We are thrilled to see where all of this takes us in 2020 with Katie Jaynes Photography, and can’t wait to see what comes our way next!


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