

Katie Jaynes Photography Blog





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Family Portraits

May 10, 2019

Anderson SC Family Photos | Downtown Anderson

Downtown Anderson, SC Family Session Photography

Anna contacted me back in December asking about family portraits as a gift to her mother for Christmas. The family decided they wanted to wait to take the photos in the Spring, and I’m so glad they did! Downtown Anderson was showing out! We actually took these on a pretty warm Spring day and I had gotten my first sunburn earlier in the day while shooting an outdoor wedding. Oops.

Anna’s parents live in the Anderson area, but she and her sister Amanda both live out of town. Both Amanda, and Anna and her husband came into town just for the weekend to take these photos for their mom! I just thought that was the sweetest gift!

This family was so much fun to work with! If you liked these, you’ll love some of my other family portraits.

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