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Fun Valentine’s Day Fun Fact:
220,000 is the average number of wedding proposals on Valentine’s Day each year.
We believe it! It seems like our Instagram is flooded with proposals on Valentine’s Day, and we can’t get enough of all of the love and bling!
This post is all about Cupid day. The day of love.
Now, we know Valentine’s day is a polarizing topic. It seems you either love it or you hate it. Maybe you don’t love the made up Hallmark holiday, but love the candy (that’s where I stand).
Our 2021 Valentine’s Day is going to look VERY different as we will have a very special present in the form of a newborn baby boy. We will probably be celebrating by drinking a large pot of coffee and changing diapers. Needless to say, we will be spending this day of love at home in PJs. But honestly, you can too.
Thanks to COVID, we have a feeling that most people will be celebrating the holiday in their living rooms, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still have a fun day! We wanted to share a few ideas of how you can have a fun and safe Valentine’s Day at home.
A usual Valentine’s Day involves going out to a restaurant and ordering your favorite meal. Nobody said you can’t have that same meal at home. Just about every restaurant known to man is available for take out orders (and hopefully you can still support small businesses), so why not order take out from that restaurant and bring it to your house to enjoy?
Set up a fancy place setting at your table, turn on some soft music, light a few candles and enjoy your fancy dinner in your own house.
You can learn ANYTHING on YouTube, even dancing! With this quiet night alone it’s a wonderful opportunity to learn some new dance moves.
If you or your significant other has been wanting to learn to a specific type of dance, you can find beginner dance moves or maybe even find a virtual class to take together!
We’ve done this one before and loved it! Make a fort or bed of pillows, pop popcorn or grab your favorite snacks with some bubbly and watch a movie together!
A big plus is if you have an air mattress or feel like pulling your mattress into the living room, you can get even more comfy and set up for a perfect movie spot. Luckily Netflix or Hulu have tons of options!
Watch an old fave, or something brand new that you’ve never seen. Pop some champagne or make a special, fancy coffee drink for extra fun.
We love this idea! It might be because all things spa-like sound wonderful to me right now at 38 weeks pregnant, but still! Mitchel created a surprise at-home spa setting for me one time that I’ll never forget!
All you need is two, small containers/basins large enough to put your feet in, you can get this from the dollar tree, and fill it with warm water and your favorite soap or bubble bath. Soak your feet for as long as you’d like with your significant other.
Maybe do an at home face mask while you’re at it if you can convince your guy. Mitchel has done charcoal masks with me before, and secretly didn’t hate it! 😉
Don’t forget to play your favorite relaxing music or maybe even listen to a podcast together while you relax!
Whether you’re a big fan of baking from scratch, or maybe you’re a slice n bake kinda person, this one is for you! You can mix this idea with any of the other at-home date ideas to make them even sweeter!
Personally, I’d love to try a new recipe and share it with my sweetie, but if that seems like too much work for you, old faithful Nestle has just what you need in the frozen section for convenience. 😉
Lots of these can be combined for a super fun valentines date night! You may even be able to do them all. Let us know which ones you might try, or if you have other ideas we didn’t think of!
Regardless of how or when you celebrate Valentine’s Day, we hope it’s a super sweet one!