

Katie Jaynes Photography Blog





Welcome to the blog. Here you're going to find everything from heart-warming marriage stories, to beautiful images of our clients. We want to invite you into our lives.

Gracie Spring Formal Portraits | Katie Jaynes Photography

May 10, 2017



Gracie is a junior at Temple Christian Academy in Anderson. When her mom contacted me about doing Spring formal photos of Gracie I was so excited to meet her. Prom pictures were always so much fun for me and my friends…

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Hi, I'm Katie! My husband Mitchel and I have been married 4 years and live in our college town in sweet Anderson, SC. We offer a unique photography experience and are here to capture the most cherished moments of your life!

Evan Price Graduation | Katie Jaynes Photography

April 26, 2017

Graduation, Headshots


Evan’s graduation portraits were my very first on Clemson’s campus. I was excited to take his portraits because I just did his sister Kalyn’s portraits last Fall when she graduated from Anderson University. Luckily, the rain held off for Evan’s and we had perfect weather for his shoot! I just loved how excited he was when I showed him the back of my camera and he saw some of the really cool shots we got! Thanks, Evan, for being such a great sport!

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Hi, I'm Katie! My husband Mitchel and I have been married 4 years and live in our college town in sweet Anderson, SC. We offer a unique photography experience and are here to capture the most cherished moments of your life!

Brad Graduation & Senior Portraits | Katie Jaynes Photography

April 17, 2017

Graduation, Headshots


Last week, I got to venture around my beautiful Alma Mater with my brother. How in the world is it already time for his graduation portraits?? (And how in the world has it been almost THREE years since my own graduation!?) It feels like just yesterday, he was a freshman and I was a senior, worrying about him transitioning and making friends at AU. 
Y’all, time sure does fly!…

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Hi, I'm Katie! My husband Mitchel and I have been married 4 years and live in our college town in sweet Anderson, SC. We offer a unique photography experience and are here to capture the most cherished moments of your life!

David Tolar Headshots | Katie Jaynes Photography

April 17, 2017



David has started a new line of beard care products and his sweet girlfriend Andrea asked me to take some cool headshots of him for their website and social media. Here are a few of my favorites. Go follow Tolar Brothers Beard Care on Instagram and Facebook and be on the lookout for another blog post of the product shots that I did! 🙂 

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Hi, I'm Katie! My husband Mitchel and I have been married 4 years and live in our college town in sweet Anderson, SC. We offer a unique photography experience and are here to capture the most cherished moments of your life!

Amie & Sam – Prom | Katie Jaynes Photography

April 3, 2017



Our sweet Amie and Sam went to their first prom, so the youth group girls came along for a photo session! Amie looked gorgeous!

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Hi, I'm Katie! My husband Mitchel and I have been married 4 years and live in our college town in sweet Anderson, SC. We offer a unique photography experience and are here to capture the most cherished moments of your life!

Business Headshots | Katie Jaynes Photography

February 14, 2017



Tyler was referred to me by one of my marketing professors in college (thanks Dr. Spencer!). It’s kind of strange that we had actually never met before. He graduated a year ahead of me at AU and was a business major, goes to the same church as several people I know, and we have been in the same circle of people quite a bit!

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Hi, I'm Katie! My husband Mitchel and I have been married 4 years and live in our college town in sweet Anderson, SC. We offer a unique photography experience and are here to capture the most cherished moments of your life!







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