

Katie Jaynes Photography Blog





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Engagement, Proposal

August 27, 2019

Clemson University Proposal | Evan & Hallie

man proposing to women at clemson university wearing an orange shirt

Clemson Proposal

I have loved getting to know the Price family over the years! I have had the opportunity to photograph Evan and his sister’s college graduation portraits, and their dad and step-Mom at their home in their beautiful yard.

They are such a kind and Clemson-loving family!
Hallie and Evan are both Clemson grads and it was only appropriate that he proposes in Clemson overlooking Lake Hartwell at the dikes where they used to spend so much time.
Evan contacted me a few weeks prior to the proposal and had it all planned out. We met a few days before the proposal at the dikes to go over his plan and pick out some spots for portraits.
Evan and Hallie ate at Esso Club which is where they had their very first date. Then they drove over to the dikes and took a little walk, while we crept along and tried not to be too noticeable. Luckily, Hallie had never met us and didn’t know we were there to photograph them.
The two of them walked for a bit and then Evan stopped and started reading something to Hallie. He told us later that at that point, she realized we were taking photos and asked: “who are these people taking photos of us?”. Haha. He said, “don’t worry, they’re with me!”
He then got on one knee, with a beautiful lake backdrop, and asked Hallie to marry him! We were so honored to be there to capture it all! After the proposal, we walked around on campus to some of their favorite spots and took some portraits. It was the sweetest!

Clemson University Marriage Proposal

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