

Katie Jaynes Photography Blog





Welcome to the blog. Here you're going to find everything from heart-warming marriage stories, to beautiful images of our clients. We want to invite you into our lives.

Marriage Monday: 24 Hour Musical

We’ve have photographed several of fun events throughout the years, but we had one of the most interesting this past weekend. I had the pleasure and privilege to photograph a musical play!

August 7, 2018

Commercial, Marriage

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Anderson University Family Portraits | Wessel Family

Stephanie reached out to me a few months ago about doing some updated family portraits. We finally got together on a warm Sunday evening on Anderson University’s campus. Even though I have photographed on Anderson’s campus more times than I could count and have my favorite portrait spots picked out, I was surprised with some gorgeous new favorites complete with beautiful blooms!

July 8, 2018

Family Portraits

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Anderson University Graduate: Kimberly

Kimberly graduate from Anderson University just a week ago. I loved my time with her, getting to walk around AU’s beautiful campus and catch up with her! We almost did more chatting than picture taking. 😉 

May 20, 2018

Graduation, Headshots

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Black Family Portraits | Katie Jaynes Photography

We have loved getting to know the Black family through church activities and groups, and now living one street over from them! Eric, Gina and their boys are so much fun and their love for each other is so evident!

November 11, 2017

Family Portraits

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Family Session at AU | Katie Jaynes Photography

The pretty fall colors were definitely showing off for Andrea, David, Emma, and Rhys! Enjoy some of the photos we took while exploring AU’s campus on this chilly, Saturday morning! I had so much fun getting to know them better and laughing at all of Rhys’ funny faces! 

January 11, 2017

Family Portraits

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Kalyn’s Senior Portrait Session | Katie Jaynes Photography

Kalyn is graduating from Anderson University in just a few short months. She has worked hard as an education major and you can tell she has a heart for her special needs students that she is student-teaching with. Kalyn and I have a mutual friend in common, my sweet college suite mate Amber. We also […]

October 8, 2016


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For Brides



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