

Katie Jaynes Photography Blog





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Family Portraits, Maternity

November 7, 2019

Thomas Family Fall Photos | And A Fun Surprise

We have been big fans of the Thomas family ever since we first met Phil and Kristi! We met about 3 years ago when we were placed in the same community group at church.

Since then, we have gotten to know and love them well! We have seen them grow leaps and bounds in their marriage and they have been there through trials of our own. They have been such an encouragement to us.

We have loved watching Linley grow and change over the past year and nine months. She is adorable! We have gone through lots of life together over the past few years with Phil and Kristi and we are THRILLED to celebrate God’s faithfulness in the form of a baby girl next May!

Pray with us for our sweet friends as they continue on this journey for a healthy pregnancy and delivery.

Thomas fam, we are so thankful for you guys and can’t wait to meet babygirl Thomas!

  1. […] Kristi and Phil’s pregnancy announcement with Lynley, their maternity photos, and then their pregnancy announcement photos this time around with […]

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