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Birth, Family Portraits

June 2, 2020

Clemson SC Newborn Photos | Baby Everly

Clemson Lifestyle Newborn Session

We have been blessed to have several friends who are in a new season of having babies! Whether having a second child, their very first kiddo, or just finding out they are newly pregnant, we LOVE getting to love on these babies!

The Thomas family are welcoming their 2nd baby girl, Everly Rose! Kristi and Phil are great friends of ours from church. We have been in a community group with them the past 3 years, the last year with them as our leaders. We have learned so much from these two and have loved watching them parent Lynley and now bring Everly into the world!

I got to photograph Lynley’s newborn session just over 2 years ago and it’s hard to believe she is a big sister now. I loved getting to watch her interact with Everly.

I also got to photograph Kristi and Phil’s pregnancy announcement with Lynley, their maternity photos, and then their pregnancy announcement photos this time around with Everly!

It has been the sweetest to be involved in so many important moments in the Thomas family’s life! We are so thankful to know and love them!

Enjoy some of my favorite photos of baby Everly’s newborn session at 12 days old!

Clemson Newborn Photographer


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