

Katie Jaynes Photography Blog





Welcome to the blog. Here you're going to find everything from heart-warming marriage stories, to beautiful images of our clients. We want to invite you into our lives.


February 17, 2018

Our Asheville Trip

Two weekends ago, we got to take a mini vacation to Asheville with some of the other leaders in our church. This was an intentional time of worship, rest, and reflection with men and women in our church from all different campuses around the Upstate who serve and lead in different ways. 

Mitchel and I had the opportunity to stay at the Grove Park Inn and visit Biltmore for the first time and we absolutely loved our time there. We also heard great teaching and had time to worship with other leaders in our church. Here are some photos from our trip, and some photos I got to take for the church while in one of the morning sessions. The first few photos are the view from our hotel room – wowza. Also, it was fridgid the day we went to Biltmore, so you can see on our faces how cold we were. 🙂 

And some from one of the sessions that I was asked to take photos at…

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