

Katie Jaynes Photography Blog





Welcome to the blog. Here you're going to find everything from heart-warming marriage stories, to beautiful images of our clients. We want to invite you into our lives.


March 18, 2019

Marriage Monday: Earl & Mattie Brazell’s Marriage Story

Why are we doing a “marriage stories” blog series?

We are passionate about photographing couples and weddings, of course. But we care even more about thriving marriages. We are here for our brides and grooms beyond the wedding day and we are cheering for your marriage! That’s why we have decided to start a blog series this year called Marriage Stories. We will post every other week on Marriage Monday with an interview from couples that we look up to as well as our recent wedding clients. We will still be writing and sharing every other week about our own marriage too. 

We hope that you enjoy and are encouraged and inspired in your own marriage from Katie’s Grandparent’s marriage story!

How long have you been married?
57.5 years

Do you have children or grandkids?
2 boys, 5 grandkids, 3 great grands

Tell us your love story!
We lived on the same street when we were teenagers. I use to watch him walk home in the afternoon, I could see him from my bedroom window.

What is your favorite wedding day memory?
How hot it was! There was no fan or air conditioning and it was in the Summer! My lipstick was melting it was so hot!

Have you had challenges in your marriage? How have you overcome them?
We have been poor and we have been rich, but we always trusted in the Lord, and we believed He would provide for us as long as we did His will and followed Him.

What have been some great joys of your marriage?
Just knowing that He is always willing to help us; and getting to love and help each other throughout our marriage.

What is one thing that you’ve learned from marriage?
We have learned that living for the Lord makes marriage much more smooth. We have learned how to love and trust, as well as talk through things and believe in one another.

What’s your best piece of advice for newlyweds?
Learn to need, trust, and love each other.

Anything else you would like to add?
”I have loved Earl since I was 15 years old.” -Mattie

  1. Kristy says:

    They’re the cutest things I’ve ever seen!

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