

Katie Jaynes Photography Blog





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For Brides, Personal

January 25, 2020

Ballroom Alchemy

photo by Rachel Leigh Photos

Mitchel gave me one of the most thoughtful gifts for Christmas – dance lessons. He didn’t give them to me because I’m a bad dancer, but because he is, and I love to dance.

We spend SOO much time at weddings, and what’s a big part of wedding receptions? DANCING!

Obviously, we aren’t at weddings to dance, but we always try to sneak in one or two dances at the end of the reception before the exit. It’s always fun to get out on the dance floor with the bride and groom.

When I dance with Mitchel, it’s mostly a lot of rocking back in forth in a circle or the Cupid Shuffle. Those are pretty much the only two dances we do together. Awkward waddling like penguins or basic line dances.

I’ve never complained to him about his dancing before, but I’ve mentioned how much I would love to take professional dance lessons, but I never imagined we would actually get to do it.

Fast forward to Christmas day.

Wedding Dance Lessons

He put a notecard in my stocking with “Two FREE Dance Lessons” on it (fancy, I know). Not only had he gotten the lessons, but he already scheduled them. Just a couple of days later, we went for our dance lesson out in Greenville.

I was SO excited for our first dance lesson. Mitchel was a little nervous. If you’ve ever seen him dance at a wedding, or even try to clap on beat, you know that he has almost zero rhythm.

Our instructors are a married couple, Asangwua and Ciara, and they are AMAZING! We instantly loved them. Just like me and Mitchel, they are a married couple who works together on a business they are passionate about.

They opened Ballroom Alchemy in 2016 to “create an engaging experience for dancers and non-dancers alike to connect and have fun.” This is exactly what they did for us. We had one dancer (me) and one non-dancer (Mitchel), and both of us had so much fun.

Our lesson started out by just getting to know Asangwua and Ciara. They are incredible at making you feel comfortable and confident. You can tell they’ve worked with a lot of nervous grooms before.

After the introductions, it’s time to dance!

What’s so incredible about these dance teachers is just how simple and fun they make the whole experience!

They start with the most simple moves possible and explain how you can use these moves for ANY dance out there. They continue to build on those moves until you’re moving and shaking like a pro! (okay, not like a pro, but good enough to get out on the dance floor at your next wedding).

Dance Lessons Greenville, SC

If you’re not into private dance lessons, Ballroom Alchemy also hosts group community classes in Greenville! Each month, they have different styles of dance. It’s a great and affordable way to learn a new dance with other people!

We can’t say enough great things about this couple and Ballroom Alchemy! Check them out! (And watch our first dance lesson in their home-studio!)

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