

Katie Jaynes Photography Blog





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April 3, 2019

Clemson SC Southern Engagement Session | Morgan & Brian

Morgan and Brian have been together since high school, and they both grew up in Anderson! We took their engagement photos at the Clemson Botanical Gardens, which is where they took prom pictures together back in high school! I always love it when couples pick a spot that has meaning or sentimental value to them!

We had a warm and beautiful Spring day, which was much welcomed! We wandered all over the botanical gardens and so much of it was in bloom! There were bumble bees flying all around and so. much. POLLEN! Poor Mitchel was struggling hard with his allergies, so he only got to join us for the first half of the session. Regardless of all the pollen, we were able to get some gorgeous Spring portraits! We found some hidden gems out and about at the gardens and I am so excited to share them! Brian wanted to incorporate his teal colored Chevy truck, and I thought it was such a fun idea!

Morgan and Brian were naturals in front of the camera, even though they swore they were nervous, I never would have been able to tell! They were so sweet together during their session, making each other laugh and smile through the whole thing!

We can’t wait for Morgan and Brian’s wedding at Sleepy Hollow in Clemson in October!

  1. Lunette S. Livingston says:

    Great job of capturing my beautiful granddaughter and, even more beautiful smile. I can’t wait for Morgan and Brian to become Mr. and Mrs. Fetters ❤️

  2. Katie Jaynes says:

    Thank you! You’re so right, Morgan is just gorgeous and is so sweet, too! We can’t wait for their wedding day!!

  3. […] met at Westside High School when they were students there and dated since then! We did their engagement photos at the Clemson Botanical Gardens, where Morgan and Brian had prom photos taken back in the early […]

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