

Katie Jaynes Photography Blog





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For Brides, Wedding

April 22, 2021

How We Keep Our Clients and Wedding Guests Safe During COVID

downtown greenville sc church wedding during covid guests spaced out

The past several weeks, we’ve had so many calls and inquiries about booking a wedding for 2021 or even into 2022. We are so excited to get a bit of normalcy back into the KJP Business. 

When we are talking with our new couples, there are still a lot of questions about COVID protocol, guests’ safety, venue limits, and more. Because of those questions, we decided it was best to share our thoughts on wedding safety and Covid measures that we are taking to ensure that not only are we keeping ourselves safe, but we are caring for our couples and their guests as much as we can. 

Clear Communication

Even in pre-COVID days, we are big on communication with our couples. In fact, we would much rather over-communicate than not. This is even more true now that life is weird.

When it comes to wedding photography during a pandemic, we want to ensure that all of our couples know exactly what to expect from us when it comes to the wedding day. We believe that if everyone knows what to expect for the wedding day, we can not only be safer, but we can also serve our couples to the best of our abilities.

More Distance Than Usual 

Now, I like to hug all of our couples. When I’m posing couples or families, I tend to be very hands-on. It’s just the way I am. Not being able to hug people has been very difficult because that’s how I greet all of our wonderful brides. 

One of the biggest safety measures that we are taking during weddings, engagement shoots, and bridal sessions is to keep our distance, as hard as that has been. Even now when numbers are beginning to decline, we are still being extra safe when it comes to distancing. 

This doesn’t mean that we won’t be getting those snuggle, close-up shots of you and your sweetie.  Of course, we try and be as safe as possible for everyone involved, we don’t ever want to sacrifice the quality of our photography. These are pictures you’ll cherish for the rest of your life, and we want you to get the photos of your dreams, even if we have to get closer than 6 feet. 

Mask Up 

For both Mitchel and me, wearing a mask is one of the most simple things we can do for safety. There are a lot of wedding venues that require all of the vendors to wear masks, while others don’t have regulations on masks. 

Regardless of what the venue’s policies are on wearing a mask, we have our own rules as well. We have exceptions to all of our rules of course, but for a rule of thumb, if we are within 6 feet of a guest, or couple, then we are going to have our masks on. 

At most weddings, we have couples or guests say they don’t mind if we take our masks off, but one of the few times that we will do that is when we are photographing the couple or during large group sessions like the bridal party. While we want to be safe, it’s very difficult trying to give directions to a big group when nobody can hear you. At those points, we are well beyond the 6 ft mark.

All The Sanitizing 

Even before the pandemic, we were serious users of hand sanitizer. You would be surprised how many hands we shake, how many doorknobs we grab, and how much stuff we touch during a wedding day. 

We typically will use hand sanitizer or wash our hands at least a dozen times during a wedding day. That sounds excessive, but we know how simple it is to keep our hands clean, which not only keeps us and our family safe, but keeps us from spreading germs around to anyone else.

Covid Friendly Wedding Photographers

Wedding photography is more than a job for us. It’s more than just a business. It’s our passion and what we truly enjoy, but that doesn’t mean we will ever take unnecessary risks when it comes to our safety or our couples.

If you have any questions about planning a wedding during a pandemic, safety measures, or you’re looking for a COVID friendly wedding photographer who doesn’t mind wearing a mask, feel free to reach out to us and we would love to talk over a virtual cup of coffee (or even a real one).

  1. […] think the emergence of live streaming weddings is one of the best things to come out of the pandemic. The technology has existed for a decade, but how many people do you know that did it? We had never […]

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