

Katie Jaynes Photography Blog





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September 14, 2019

Sunflower Maternity Session | Jennifer + Bryan

Who doesn’t love sunflowers!? When Jennifer mentioned that she wanted sunflowers for her maternity session, I made it my mission to find some that were still alive! Mitchel and I happened to be driving one day about a week before the session and found these! I was so excited that we found some because the sunflower fields I knew of were already dead and gone!

We can’t wait to meet baby Charlee in just a few days/weeks, whenever she decides to make her appearance. We are so thankful that Jennifer and Charlee have both been healthy throughout the whole pregnancy and we can’t wait to meet our sweet niece.

We became aunt and uncle almost a year ago to our niece Charlotte and have loved every moment of it. We can’t wait to have another sweet baby girl to love on!

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