

Katie Jaynes Photography Blog





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October 17, 2018

Baby Charlotte | Columbia, SC Birth

Charlotte Ruth Julian made her arrival on Saturday, October 13 at 6:44pm, at 6 pounds 8 ounces, 19.5 inches long, a week earlier than her due date. She was ready to make her grand entrance and everyone else was too!

On Friday evening, we got a call that Kristy’s water broke earlier that day, just after she had finished with her patients for the day. She wasn’t having contractions yet, so she took her time going home to get her things and her and Eric returned to the hospital later in the afternoon. Contractions started in the wee hours in the morning on Saturday. We arrived Saturday morning and on Saturday evening, Charlotte had made her arrival!

Being in the operating room for the arrival of Charlotte is something I will treasure forever. I am honored and humbled and so grateful to have gotten to be there for it all and just so thankful that the Lord blessed Kristy and Eric (and our families) with this precious gift of baby Charlotte. She is so cherished. And I got to watch my sister be an absolute hero. She is so strong and a fighter, just like we know Charlotte will learn to be with her as her momma.

So without further ado, meet baby Charlotte, our niece!

Welcome to the world baby Charlotte! You are already so loved and prayed for!

  1. Lindsey says:

    The photographs are gorgeous! I love how you captured the love and support in the hand holding and Eric rubbing Kristy’s head. Just fabulous!! Congratulations to all of you. Charlotte is obviously already so very loved!!

  2. Bebrazell@scana.com says:

    Katie, you captured one of the greatest gifts a family can ever have. And, you did it w perfection. Congratulations to all!

  3. Ali Brazell says:

    Absolutely beautiful pictures!!! So excited to welcome sweet Charlotte to the family!

  4. Katie Jaynes says:

    Thank you, Ali! She is so precious! 🙂

  5. Katie Jaynes says:

    Thank you, Beffie! Love you!

  6. Katie Jaynes says:

    Thank you so much! It was a joy to witness it all!

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