

Katie Jaynes Photography Blog





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August 19, 2020

Sassafras Mountain Proposal | Tyler and Katelin

Greenville, SC  Mountain Proposal

Tyler approached me at The Brew, a weekly meeting in Anderson for entrepreneurs, a few weeks ago about needing some photos. He then told me that he was planning to propose to this girlfriend, Katelin! I am always ecstatic to photograph proposals because it’s the beginning of such a fun and exciting season for couples!

Tyler proposed to Katelin at Sassafras Mountain on August 1! I absolutely love Sassafras Mountain for so many reasons.

Firstly, it’s beautiful and breathtaking. Secondly, it’s very easy to access. You can drive up the mountain by car, and then walk just a few yards on a path that leads to the top. Lastly, the top of Sassafras Mountain is actually in both South Carolina and North Carolina. So you can be in both states at once. Funny story, immediately after Tyler proposed, Katelin hugged him and said “come over here so we can be in the same state!” She is hilarious and made me giggle.

Their Proposal Story

More about their sweet proposal….Tyler thought of everything! Tyler and Katelin were in Oconee State Park with Tyler’s family that weekend spending some time before a family member moved away. Tyler had planned some time for him and Katelin to drive over to Sassafras Mountain, a place that was really special to them. Katelin later told us that Sassafras was the spot where she first knew she loved Tyler.

Once they arrived to Sassafras, Katelin had assumed they were going to walk around and go hiking. When they got there, they walked to the top and Tyler gifted her a book about their relationship that he had made. Inside it said, “Will you marry me?”. Once she finished reading the book, Tyler was there on one knee with the most beautiful custom diamond ring, perfectly crafted from several family heirloom wedding rings/bands. 

Katelin was so joyful and shocked! She kept saying “Tyler are you serious?” “Is this for real?”. Her reaction was so sweet! They hugged and talked and kissed for several minutes and then Tyler pulled out another gift for Katelin. He told her since he wanted to center their marriage on the Lord, he had a beautiful Bible engraved with her soon-to-be married name: Katelin Nicole JAMES!  

Katelin was in awe, all over again! So sweet! After they spent more time taking it all in, we walked around for a few minutes and took a few “just-engaged portraits”! These are my favorite anytime we get to photograph a proposal, because there is always so much joy and happiness!

Congrats Katelin and Tyler, we can’t wait to be a part of your wedding day!

  1. […] have a great, recent example of this. We were going to be photographing a proposal at the top of a mountain lookout at Sassafras Mountain. The lookout is beautiful and a fairly large space. But 2 […]

  2. […] met at Sassafras Mountain for their session, and they truly picked the best location. It’s the highest point in South […]

  3. […] and laughter, radiating pure joy, throughout the whole day. This is no different than the day Tyler proposed to Katelin. We got to be there to photograph it all at Sassafras Mountain and truly, we have never seen a more […]

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