

Katie Jaynes Photography Blog





Welcome to the blog. Here you're going to find everything from heart-warming marriage stories, to beautiful images of our clients. We want to invite you into our lives.

Marriage Monday: Phil & Kristi Thomas’ Marriage Story

What have been some struggles in your marriage? How did you overcome them?
Learning how to communicate. Learning that my way isn’t the only way to do things. Learning the importance of putting God first individually and in our marriage. We’ve overcome all of them through just doing life together, support of church community, and a Bible – teaching church.

April 16, 2019


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Marriage Monday: Brent & Ali Brazell’s marriage story

How long have you been married?

1 year and 1 day!

Tell us your love story! How did you meet?

We met at a mutual friend’s house. After a few run-ins through friends, Brent asked for my number and we went out on our first date. We went on a couple of dates and I (Ali) decided we were better off as friends. I didn’t really have a reason, mostly just fear of the unknown. About 6 months later, I ran into Brent again at the same mutual friend’s house. He was kind and talkative towards me, when I thought he had every right to be standoffish and rude. I knew that I needed to reach back out. After a few awkward texts, we went out on another “first” date. The rest is history. 🙂

April 1, 2019


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Marriage Monday: Earl & Mattie Brazell’s Marriage Story

We hope that you enjoy and are encouraged and inspired in your own marriage from Katie’s Grandparent’s marriage story!

March 18, 2019


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Marriage Monday: Beth and Phil Brazell’s Marriage Story

How long have you been married?
Phil and I have been married for almost 36 years.

Do you have children or grandkids?
We have two sons, two daughter-in-loves, two grandchildren and three grandpuppies.

March 5, 2019


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Marriage Monday: Wade & Karen’s Marriage Story

We are passionate about photographing couples and weddings, of course. But we care even more about thriving marriages. We are here for our brides and grooms beyond the wedding day and we are cheering for your marriage! That’s why we have decided to start a blog series in an interview format this year called Marriage Stories.

February 18, 2019


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Marriage Monday: Richie and Megan Blanton’s Marriage Story

We are passionate about photographing couples and weddings, of course. But we care even more about thriving marriages. We are here for our brides and grooms beyond the wedding day and we are cheering for your marriage! That’s why we have decided to start a blog series in an interview format this year called Marriage Stories.

February 5, 2019


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Marriage Monday: Chandler & Amber Whitesides’ Marriage Story

We are passionate about photographing couples and weddings, of course. But we care even more about thriving marriages. We are here for our brides and grooms beyond the wedding day and we are cheering for your marriage! That’s why we have decided to start a blog series in an interview format this year called Marriage Stories.

January 22, 2019


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Marriage Monday – Eric and Kristy Julian Marriage Story

If you’ve been around a while, you may have seen our Marriage Monday blog posts. This is something that started as a desire to share more about our own marriage and things we are learning. It turned into a desire to pour into other marriages!

January 7, 2019


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Marriage Monday: Sunrises, sunsets, a deer, and a baby

This past weekend was a bit of a whirlwind. We got to see the sunrise on our way to Columbia on Saturday morning and sunset in Anderson on Sunday night. And oh my goodness, they were GORGEOUS!

October 16, 2018


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Marriage Monday: Marriage is Hard

Guys. Marriage can be so hard sometimes. Two people living together aren’t always going to be perfect, it’s just a fact of life.

September 11, 2018

Marriage, Personal

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For Brides



Welcome to KATIE's blog